Malawi currently emphasing TALULAR (Doctoral dissertation)

''Malawi is currently emphasizing teaching and learning using locally available resources (TALULAR), which sometimes may not cost any money or very little money. The use of local resources is usually associated with improvisation where, when the original material is not available, a teacher devises a substitute... comments from teachers about using improvisation through TALULAR: “… by making the aid myself I actually understand the topic better!” “I made aids with the help of my pupils, they learnt so did I …we learnt how they work by making them.” “It promotes creativity and encourages other more practical skills.” “More relevant to learners when you use local materials.” “Improvisation sets a good example to pupils and inexperienced teachers. If we do it they may see the benefit.” It is this creativity and practical skills that tutors need so that they can be able to pick any piece of junk and produce a teaching material.''(page 30)

Clemence Michael Kadzera(2006) Use of Instuctional Technologies in Teacher Training Colleges in Malawi. Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy submitted to Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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