Widespread enthusiasm for the TALULAR (Mzuzu Uni. Stirling Uni.)

''The lack of teaching aids and apparatus for use in schools was identified by all of the science staff, in the university and schools, as a key issue to be addressed... Amongst the lecturers and school staff there was widespread enthusiasm for the TALULAR (Teaching And Learning Using Locally Accessed Resources) approach to science teaching as this was seen as being more sustainable when compared to using specialised science materials.''
Dr Mike Carroll (Bsc Curriculum Mzuzu Uni. 2006. Page 2 http://www.aqua.stir.ac.uk/development/projects/documents/outcar.pdf report pdf)

''Recommendations... supporting the TALULAR approach in order to blend curricular and local knowledge will have a positive impact upon practical work in science and introducing sustainable methodologies.''
Dr Mike Carroll (BSc Curriculum Mzuzu Uni. 2006.Page 5 http://www.aqua.stir.ac.uk/development/projects/documents/outcar.pdf report pdf

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